- DAUGHTER OF THE BRIGHT MOON 2 - A black ink and gray pencil drawing on an 11 x 14 size vellum paper.
Although it was my intention to avoid light shading in these "Daughter of the Bright Moon" drawings because of the poor reproduction values in paperbacks, in this drawing I decided to risk putting some delicate light shading around the dark sun. I was surprised to see that it actually turned out to look OK in the paperback.
When I did these drawings I decided to emphasize something that occurs in the real world when you look at objects in the distance; they become lighter, their colors fade. And that's because of all that air between your eyes and the distant object you are looking at . . .
Air contains tiny bits of dust particles which you can often see in your home when sunlight comes through a window, and together with air molecules they create a cloudy filter between you and whatever distant object you are looking at. It is not noticeable at close distances, but think of the amount of air between you and a mountain you're looking at in the far distance. All those accumulated air particles diffuse the reflected light that carries the mountain image to your eyes. The result is that the mountain looks lighter, its color faded. The further the object the more dramatic the effect . . .
So, if objects in the distance look lighter, I decided to use that natural effect in my pictures; I drew the girl on horseback in the foreground with lots of black color (dark), and drew the man on horseback in the background mostly all gray (light). That color contrast should give the illusion of space (distance) between the two fighting figures, help giving the picture the look of having three dimensions.

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